Order Form ---------- To : Date : __/__/199_ Loewy Ron, 9 Haneveem st., Herzeliya, 46465 Israel I would like to register the following products : Product User Media Price Number Total - Group - Per of Name PCMSU Type Unit* Copies --------- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- _ APP R-NNM _____ $15 ______ $ _____ _ APP -RNNM _____ $45 ______ $ _____ _ mouseLib ORNRM _____ $10 ______ $ _____ _ parser ORNRM _____ $10 ______ $ _____ _ WWToolKit RRNRM _____ $40 ______ $ _____ _ RPTP OR--M _____ $7 ______ $ _____ _ RPTP O-R-M _____ $20 ______ $ _____ _ RPTP O--RM _____ $45 ______ $ _____ _ RPTPwin OR--M _____ $7 ______ $ _____ _ RPTPwin O-R-M _____ $20 ______ $ _____ _ RPTPwin O--RM _____ $45 ______ $ _____ _ RSS ORNNM _____ $45 ______ $ _____ _ TXS ORNNM _____ $45 ______ $ _____ _ XCD ORNNM _____ $10 ______ $ _____ _ WINTEXT RNNRM _____ $145 ______ $ _____ _ RFFSRT OR--M _____ $30 ______ $ _____ _ RFFSRT O-R-M _____ $95 ______ $ _____ _ RFFSRT O--RM _____ $145 ______ $ _____ ------- Total ---------- ............................ $ _____ User Group types : P - Private use ( 1 copy ) C - Corporate use ( 5 copies ) M - coMmercial use ( as part of your product ) S - Source ( with non - disclosure agreement attached, for use in your products with no more royalities ) U - Upgrade from previous versions. User group information : R - Registration is required of the user. O - Registration is optional, to help the author maintain the software. N - Not available. - - Available with another price. M - Media price, upgrade price for registered users : $2 Please send me the latest versions of the products I ordered. I enclose a cheque with the required amount. User Name : __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Remarks : __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ * Please add $1 for 3.5'' media.